- I got my car washed today, which reminded me of 2 weeks ago when I got it washed...Shawn was driving that day and as he drove in all catawampus, I kept yelling "Look at the mirror! Are you looking at the mirror?" To which he angrily replied "WHAT mirror?" That's when I pointed to the mirror on the ceiling and proceeded to tell him that every car wash in the whole United States of America has one or those mirrors as you pull in. He was literally stunned. My Mom didn't know about the mirror either. Where do you people come from?
- I don't post about my coupon steals and deals that often, but I think you should know that today when I got groceries, I scored 2 things of KY and 2 boxes of Gain dryer sheets for FREE! You know you're addicted to couponing when you start bragging about your free lube.
- Every week on library day Alivia gets excited about the possibility of checking out the Guinness Book of World's Records. I remember being excited about that in elementary school too, but now it just seems creepy. What's so fascinating about a child who got dentures when he was 3?
- There is a lady at work and a Mom of a girl in Alivia's class who I want to punch in the face. Both for equally good reasons. Just another reason I wish my blog wasn't public.
- I was looking at my Google Analytics the other day and one of the keyword searches that someone clicked through to my blog from was "I think I'm going to poop my pants, what should I do?" Shawn suggested maybe the person should have just headed straight to the shitter rather than Googling what to do.
- Google Analytics also told me that my post a few weeks ago titled "Pictures of Boobs" has had more hits than any other post. I really wish I would have rethought that title. I'm fairly certain that 100% of those people who clicked through were pervs. Feel free to leave now creepers!
- If you don't know what Google Analytics is, let me put it to you like this...I know you're reading even if you're not commenting. Yes, person-who-I–personally-would-consider-a-stalker, that means you.
- Less than 2 weeks until Lady Gaga! Does anyone know where I can rent one of those egg things like she had the other night? Or what about a meat dress? I would settle for a meat dress.
That is all. At least for now.