Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A girl on a bike.

I was going to post more vacation pictures today, but then something happened.  I realized I had something to say, to all of you!

When I posted a few weeks ago about my duathlon, you girls came out of the woodwork with your comments telling me how proud you were of me, and how awesome I was!  The one thing that struck me the most though, was how many comments I got from you and from my friends on Facebook saying “I wish I could do that.”

So, my question is this, Why can’t you?  What makes me different from you?  The answer is simple.  Nothing.

I am not an athlete.  I’m a girl who ran cross country in junior high, but gave it up to be a cheerleader in high school.  I’m a Mom who walked into a gym almost 4 years ago with a one year old and a three year old in tow, and decided to lose 20 pounds.  I’m a failure who lost the 20 pounds, but then gained it all back plus 10 more.  I could blame that 30 pounds on having Mono and then Shingles the following year, but I won’t.  I blame me.  Well, and the Oreos, ice cream, and Diet Coke didn’t really help.

So, what makes this time different?  Why when I set a goal on my 29th birthday to lose 30 pounds by my 30th birthday did I achieve it?  How am I able to maintain it?

Again, the answer is simple.  I found something I loved.  Last winter I saw an Oprah episode where she was talking to Kirstie Alley about struggling with weight loss.  At one point they were talking about exercise and Oprah said “I’m not going to lie, I hate to exercise!”  I think my jaw hit the floor, and I thought “Silly, Oprah, that’s why you keep getting fat!”

Maybe you’re reading this and you’re thinking “everyone hates to exercise!”  Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong.  If you don’t believe me, come to the gym with me on Monday morning and look in on the advanced step class.  I bet those bitches have been doing step since the 80’s, and they are loving every minute of it!  Or, come on Wednesday morning to see the Zumba ladies.  Those chicks can shake their ass like nobody’s business, and they are burning calories while doing it.

I’m not going to lie to you.  When I first started spin, I hated it.  I stared at the clock counting down the minutes, I even puked after one class.  But, by the third or fourth class I was addicted.  I was hardcore.  I was never going back to leisurely doing the elliptical while watching The View. 

Last night I went out for a ride on my bike.  Most of the time when I ride I think about how many calories I can burn and how fast I can go.  But, last night was different.  Without even realizing it I was riding around a lake watching the sun start to set, I was watching baby ducklings follow their Mom across the road, I was getting a drink from an ice cold artesian well, I was flipping off a house where my daughter’s old babysitter lived…

By the time I got home, I had ridden 15 miles, burned 650 calories, and I had loved every minute of it.

Am I an Iron Goddess?  Maybe.  But, I’m just a wife and a mom like all of you.  The potential is there for all of us, you just have to find what you love and let that drive you.

Oh, and one vacation photo…just for shits and giggles.


P.S.  This post is linked to Shell’s Wednesday meme:


This is my very first time doing “Pour your heart out,” so don’t judge!


Charbelle said...

This was so awesome!! For years and years I swore up and down I couldn't run I was a walker. I could walk miles and miles, and did. I've long understood that in order not to weigh what I don't want to weigh ever again I have to be active. I started running because one January afternoon I didn't have enough time to complete the walk I wanted to so I decided to run walk it, and realized I didn't hate it. Then I tried again. Then a friend at the time talked me into a March 4miler race. I did that race, then I did another, and another. I ran a 10K in September, a 15K in October and a half in January. I'm training for another 13.1 in October. The number one thing I tell people when I'm talking to them is you just have to find something you enjoy enough to keep you active!!
Great Post!!

Cristy said...

I agree with you, exercise CAN be fun! I LOVE doing workout DVDs at home, just love it. And, yes, sometimes it's difficult to convince yourself to do it, but by the time that I'm a couple minutes in, I feel so good.
It's amazing to just feel good about something you did. I might go to bed that night feeling crappy about the rest of my day, but if I had a good workout, I feel as though I accomplished something and go to bed feeling content.
"Challenge yourself!" - Jillian Michaels

Yankee Girl said...

This is a great post!

I am allergic to the gym and for so long thought they only way I was going to lose weight was by going to the I didn't do anything. Now I realize that I just need to get my body moving. I talk walks, bike rides, go hiking, swim whenever possible. I have been doing this for only two months, and though I don't know how much weight I have lost, I have dropped one size!

You are such an inspiration! I'll be 30 in 11 months....I should try your losing 30 before turning 30 thing!

Kelsey Claire said...

I love this post. I completely agree with the whole finding some exercise that you love. I think when you do that you are more likely to go more often and be so much more successful. Before my surgery I loved working out, but now I hate it because I just ride the stupid bike with no resistance for 30 minutes, but I still go because I got into the habit when I was doing a workout that I loved. Love you!

Laura and Ryan said...

great great GREAT post! Thank you for the encouragement. My biggest hurdle is actually going to the gym. If I tell myself that I'm going and that once I work out I feel great...then I always thank myself later. It's just going in the door that is the hardest part!

Melissa said...

Good job! And I will admit that I tried a spin class and hated it. I will not go back. I have a treadmill and I love walking on it. For now, that is my form of exercise that I will employ. Plus, at 107 pounds I don't need to lose a lot of weight (if any). Although it would be neat to be toned and have muscles!

Anywho... I want to link up to Shell's meme sometime. Maybe next week? Good job!

P.S. Cute picture!

Christa said...

Great post! Very inspiring! I'm one of those people who HATES to exercise! But I really think if I got into a routine I would be okay. I may go hit up the gym today!

jv726 said...

Great post! While I don't LOVE to exercise I do love how I feel when I am done and that is what keeps me going back! I may not do a duathlon, nor do I want to :) I do want to feel good about myself and want to feel better when I run/ride my horse/walk around the lakes and being able to feel good about those things is what keeps my ass in the gym! :)

Ian said...



Ok fine so I didn't comment on that post but I am commenting on this one.

Being someone who finally started his yeah HIS (not hers lol) exercise routine last night I really appreciate this post. I lost 35 pounds last year in 5 months and I am going to do it again before the year is out. Thanks for being an inspiration yo!

Shell said...

You are so right. I need to stop with the excuses, suck it up, and get to the freaking gym.

Thanks for linking up!

Karli said...

This is such an awesome post! I think so many of us, myself included, think that we could never do something like that.. Truth is most of us have never even tried. It's amazing for many women to have this post to turn to when they feel as if they can't do something.

I am setting goals for myself to hit before my upcoming wedding and honey moon.. I will stop saying I can't do it and start trying! Thank you, Tammi!

Anonymous said...

This is the best post! You inspired me girl, thank you.

Erin said...

You are so motivating. I need to step it up and loose 30 to 40 pounds. I keep saying it and I just need to do it. Nothing can change the way I look but myself an my motivation :)

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

You're awesome! I completely agree - exercise should be something you enjoy, not dread! Yes, there are some moments when I want to set my running shoes on fire, but overall I love to do it - it's relaxing. And you're right, once you get into it you don't even realize that you're doing it and are able to enjoy what's going on around you.

Hillary said...

You said not to judge you on this blog, but I am going to. Not only was this blog motivating and inspirational, it also made me feel kind of bad that I was reading it while eating an ice cream sandwich. I will say though, that it's 90 degrees here and it was a Skinny Cow so I don't feel that bad.

Anyway, good work, can't wait to have you kick my ass someday in a race. I need to start training for something already!

Ange said...

Yesterday Jason and I watched "Loosing it with Jillian Michaels" because sometimes nothing helps me feel okay about being fat, except seeing people that are fatter than I am.

While watching it I was thinking about why I do not work out. It's simple; I do not like to. I have grand plans to work out, and to start to like it, but I have not yet found my niche. I have even begged, and been bought, for a Wii Fit Plus thinking maybe that would be the key. Nope, video games still bore me. I took it a step further and bought the Jillian Michael's video game for Wii. The lady at the store looked at me funny as I asked her if Jillian would yell at me and tell me she would fucking kill me if I didn't try harder, because honestly, that is what I need.

I don't know, I just know I am proud of you, and I hope I find my thing soon.

d.a.r. said...

This made me all goosebumpy, I seriously love this post!! Thanks for sharing. And when I get my bike {yikes!!!!} I am going to be pestering you for tips!

Lindsey said...

You are so freaking funny!!! I totally relate. I gained like 15lbs my first year in college, I would be in the gym for like 2 hours a day but just half-assing it on the eliptical. Now that I have something to work towards (half marathoning) I have the motivation to eat better so that I can perform better and to push myself. I love spinning too but haven't taken a class in years. I think I will go to one tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes!

LWLH said...

I was probably one of those people you mentioned but I guess for me it's just finding something I enjoy. I would probably excel in the Zumba class cause I can shake my ass like it's nobodies business!! :)

Di said...

Awesome post! I plan on signing up for an adult gymnastics class once this baby comes. I miss doing gymnastics and I always loved it!

Liz Mays said...

I do hate to exercise, but I do it, because I love the after. I feel great for having done it. I lost all my extra weight too this year due to all the stress, and I know this is the last time. I'm down for good now. Finally.

Kristi B said...

Very inspirational!! Can I be you when I grow up? Oh wait. We're the same age :-D

Taylor-Made Wife said...

I absolutely agree. And that is why I heart you. nuff said.

Meghan said...

Truer words have never been spoken! I agree - all you have to do is find something you enjoy and love. That is how I feel about running!

And I love that you flipped off the old baby-sitter. She must have been awful!

A Wedding Story said...

It is so hard to lose weight!!! I am trying so hard to lose 30 pounds so that I am healthy when I get pregnant. We'll see...Oreos and Chick-fil-a are kind of my stumbling blocks!

Just Add Walter said...

trying to lose weight is the WORST! I have an exercise complex with people "watching" me work out - it makes me not ever want to do it in front of people

Kris10 said...

I love Spinning too!! There is nothing better than the dark room and loud music! But I can't find anywhere around here that has good Spin classes. I'm so pissed. Damn Ohio!!

Nikosmommy said...

I love how your took the time here to break down HOW you got to managing a duathalon. I know those sorts of things don't happen over takes time to get to the place where you have that level of dedication and mental motivation.
And you've had weight struggles too! (so hard to believe since your so fabulously thin right now!)
Some people really do hate exercise (my bff despises the gym) but I agree that if you can get hooked on the "right" activity, you can find new crazy levels of motivation!!! thanks for sharing your story!!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

Right on! We can all do it... I just wish I wasn't so lazy so I would! :)

Congrats. You look fantastic!

Tyly said...

I really love this!

My birthday is on August 2nd, and I'm thinking about a goal to set for it! Thanks for the motivation!

Resisting Perfection said...

I LOVE your blog. You are absolutely right that you have to find your exercise "niche" so to speak. Mine is running and once you find that passion, there is no going back! Your family is beautiful, and so are you!

Heather said...

You are so inspirational girl!!! It's so amazing to find something that is just for you that you LOVE. xoxo