Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wacky Wednesday.

What would you do if this lady came into your work?


Throw up in your mouth a little?  That’s what I’d do.  Ok, so it wasn’t that actual lady who was at my work today, but it definitely was those nails.  For reals.  I cannot even begin to tell you how disgusting it was.  All I can say is thank you baby Jesus that it was a family member, and not the patient.  Seriously, how would you get a pulse ox on those things?  A better question would probably be how does she wipe her ass?  This was definitely one of those times where I wished I had my camera.  I bet seeing those was a once in a lifetime opportunity! 

Also, at work today one of the anesthesiologists was telling me about the YouTube video “She Gotta Bump.”  Have you seen it?  So funny!  One warning though, it’s definitely rated R for language and sexual references, so make sure there are no kiddos around!


LWLH said...

Eww those nails are disgusting...and yeah how does she wipe her ass?

I bet it's disgustingness underneath those.

Hillary said...

Those bacteria-ridden nails are dis-gusting!!!!

And...I don't think I've ever been happier to be infertile after watching that video...thanks:)

TILTE said...

OMG. that vid made me put off having kids for another 100 years...

Meghan said...

Umm, who is painted on those grotesque things??? For a minute, I thought she had boy band members painted on her nails. So gross.

Amy Lynn said...

Those nails are seriously disgusting! I dont even want to approach the whole wiping idea. Yuck and ouch all at the same time!

Oh, and that video was pretty funny...

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OMG, that is beyond nasty!

Lori said...

That video was awesome! Hahaha!

Melissa said...

Those nails are yucky! I had never heard of that video. My favorite lines: giant areolas and tender nipples. Funny stuff!

Kelsey Claire said...

Ummm one word. Gross!

Unknown said...

I can't stand nails like that, either. So GROSS. You're funny--I always wonder how they wipe, type, put contacts in, etc....crazy!

off to watch the video now!

MrsDixon said...

Those nails are out of control! And what is that painted on them?!

Anonymous said...

Those seriously did make me throw up a little in my mouth. That is so disgusting! Ew!

Heather said...

Oh those nails are just wrong! Who in their right mind would wear those? haha

Laura and Ryan said...

Now totally wondering how she wipes herself as well! LOL That is SO disgusting...

That video was hilarious!

Taylor-Made Wife said...

A. Those nails are disgusting. B. The paint job on those nails is disgusting. C. To concur with you-How in the hell does someone with those do anything with their on the tarantula mascara that chick has on, hold a fork while eating, OR wipe their butt? D. My work computer won't let me watch the youtube video so I will have to wait until I get home to watch.

Jessica said...

I haven't watched the video yet -- I will be doing that when I don't have so many ears around.

But, OMG to those nails. That IS absolutely disgusting. I can barely function with nails a quarter of an inch over the tips of my fingers -- how the h-e-l-l does she function?!

Jen said...

Those nails are so damn disguisting! No idea how people with nails like that do anything. I have fake nails, but they look nothing like that, seriously...come on now.

Hey, did you ever get the text the other day that I sent you back? Either you are busy, or you are ignoring me ;) I'm hoping you are just busy.

Anonymous said...

Euwwww! I had to scroll fast away from that picture it was so disturbing.

I like my long nails, but hey, that is taking it WAY too far!!!

Sara McCarty said...

Oh. My. God. Gross.

Iva Messy said...


Scuba Wife Life said...

so gross!! *shudders*

undomestic mama said...

The faces painted on her nails are almost as creepy as the nails themselves!