Tuesday, October 5, 2010

News Flash!

If you’ve read my blog for any amount of time, then you already know I like to throw my husband under the bus.  A lot.  Actually, I honestly wouldn’t say I’m throwing him under, but rather he’s jumping in front of it. 

Well guess what?  This is not that post.  My husband accomplished the impossible last night!  Yes, I had to nag him about this issue for 2+ months.  Yes, my Dad finally had to start nagging him about it.  Yes, it took him at least a week to figure out how to fix it.  But, in the end, he did it!  And I am proud!

Let me tell you something about my husband.  He is not a handy guy.  He just isn’t.  It’s not like he doesn’t come from handy people either because his Dad and my Dad are both very handy dudes.  Don’t get me wrong, Shawn is a great husband, but he excels more at things like cooking and cleaning than carpentry or auto mechanics.  Which, is why what he did is a really big deal!

Are you ready?  My husband put power steering fluid in my car.  Yup.  And I drove it today, and I didn’t die!  I think I’m going to order this for him to put in his car window, because that’s how proud I am!



In other news, Alivia lost her brand spanking new Land’s End lunch box today.  Just great.  Note to self:  When we move, buy a house within walking distance of the school, so she never has to step foot on a bus again!

And, in even more news…a patient at work today breathed in my mouth.  Yes, you heard me.  He breathed In. My. Mouth.  Not once, but twice!  I wanted to die.  I actually wanted to die.  Then, for the next hour, I wanted to vomit.

That is all.


Tyly said...

My poor husband isn't handy AT ALL. I'd be WAY impressed if he did something to my car and I survived.

Ma breathing in your mouth? GROSS. I'd have kicked him in his junk. Or punched him in the throat to prevent it from happening again.

Anonymous said...

My husband isn't handy nor does he cook and clean. There's a reason I call him The Toaster Oven.

Vom to the mouth breather. *shudder*

Shell said...

And you didn't die. LMAO

The breathing in your mouth thing- ewwwwwww!

Amanda M. said...

Under the bus? I think it's more like under a TRAIN you throw him! hehe. JUST kidding! He is SUCH a good sport (i.e. the freezing cold pool video).

Kelsey Claire said...

So glad that you did not die! I don't know if I would have trusted his handy work!

Crystal said...

Yeah for your hubby!! My hubby is actually good at that kind of stuff- but they need high-fives sometimes too!

Gross on the patient thing. Makes me kinds of gag!


MommyLovesStilettos said...

He breathed in your mouth? OMFG. I would probably vomit....in his mouth! SO GROSS.

AND LMAO AT YOUR HUBBY!!! Danny isn't very good at mechanical stuff at all. I give him shit about it all the time. Anytime something needs to be put together around here, it's me doing it. HAHA

Erin said...

I think you should order that for him. How cute that you are so proud!!! How gross that that nasty man breathed in your mouth, puke!! Hope she finds her lunch box!

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

I am impressed! Chris would just take it to the mechanic, or I would have to do it myself. Car mechanic, he is not!

That is so gross about the mouth breathing. Gag!

Unknown said...

I do that myself, lol. But I understand, my husband isn't handy either. If he actually tries to do something he can usually accomplish the task, but getting him to try is the hard part.

And gross, ick. I don't know how you didn't vomit.

April said...

Good for Shawn - I stand impressed.

And the breathing in the mouth thing? Reason #6392 why I work with babies.

Danielle said...

Good to know it takes 2+ months b/c I only asked 3 weeks ago for my tires to be filled and power steering fluid to be filled. So I won't panic yet...only problem is my husband believes he is a handy GOD.
And breathed in your mouth? Ewww!! Did you slug him?

ty said...

Mouthwash, baby. And lots of it. Eff.

Anonymous said...

Go hubby! My hubby isn't handy either.

Yankee Girl said...

First Polident breath from the old lady and then a man breathes in your mouth? That's all kinds of gross.

Fist bumps to Shawn! I am so impressed! And glad that you didn't die. Because that would be sad.

The Random Blogette said...

OMG! WTF breathing in your mouth? I would of knocked someone out and probably vomited on them too! GAH!

And my hubs isn't that great with projects either. It will be 2 years this January that my kitchen has been under construction. Yeah..he can't even paint correctly. It is so bad and so sad.

JoAnna said...

I am so sad for you that your husband isn't handy. Handy beats cooking and cleaning any day in my book. I thank God k-ster is handy or I think I would have to kick him to the curb. We both stand amazed at some of our friends who don't know a wrench from a screwdriver.

Meghan said...

WOW! Mad props to your hubby! I often cringe when my husband does household projects because, while they work out in the end, there is always some sort of disaster!

Ange said...

Awesome job Shawn!

Now if I could get my husband to just drive my car 1/2 a mile up the street for an oil change.

sunny @ taryn's design diary said...

Haha what an adorable post! My husband is convinced he's a handyman and will jump on any project that requires him to show off how handy he is, but alas...oh alas... It's heartbreakingly cute. I'm assuming at least your husband *acknowledges* that he's not all that handy around the house? Or is he like mine, thinking he could build a time machine if he really had to?

Melissa said...

Yuck on the patient. Yay for the husband. And silly Alivia.

Jen said...

As usual this was one funny post, but I can not get over that a patient actually breathed into your mouth. How 100% gross and nasty is that! I think I would have puked!

Helene said...

My hubby is totally handy but he's lazy. If I ask him to take care of something, it rarely gets done until I nag him endlessly or do it myself.

So gross about the patient breathing in your mouth....yikes and double yuck!!!!

Jessa said...

He did what in your where? OMG. My husband is Shaun and he's the opposite, he's a mechanic, but won't clean a bathroom.

{Kimber} said...

how did that even happen?! ewww

and yay for your hubs!!