Monday, March 1, 2010

Tami got bit by karma.


Remember on Friday when I posted about my co-worker with the hickey? I think I mentioned that she came to work with it covered up with a Band-aid, and we gave her a hard time about it. What I didn’t mention was the most hysterical part of it. She said she got up that morning and it “was just there.” She said she didn’t know how it got there, that it was “just a little kiss.”

Um, yeah. We all had a good laugh at that one. How can you not know when you’re getting a hickey, right? Wrong.

Fast forward to this morning. I’m getting ready for work, and trying to get Thing 1 and Thing 2 ready for school too. This is a rarity because I don’t normally work on Mondays, and on the days I do work I don’t usually get them ready for school, Shawn does.

So, I’m riding herd on them all morning… Eat your breakfast. Stop screwing around. Eat your breakfast. How long does it take to eat Rice-Krispies? Make your bed. What are you girls doing? Come on, make your beds! Did you brush your teeth? Come down here and get dressed. What do you mean you didn’t make your bed yet?

You get the picture.

Meanwhile, I’m attempting to take a shower and do my hair and makeup too. Before I got in the shower, I noticed a red mark on my, ahem, cleavage. I thought, that’s weird I must have scratched myself. When I got out of the shower, I saw it was still there, and I thought, maybe the water was too hot in the shower. So, I ignored it.

I actually forgot about it until I was getting dressed. Yes, from the time I took a shower and got dressed it was a long time. I was riding herd, remember?

So, I’m putting my bra on, and I look closer at it. And, ohmyword. It was a hickey!

I’m being totally honest here. Seriously. I could not believe it was there.

My Grandma always says, “All that you put into the lives of others, will come back into your own.” I guess she’s right. And this time it came in the form of a hickey.


ty said...

hahahahahahaaaaaaa .... shit, do I know that feeling.

Kelsey Claire said...

I was thinking you were going to say ring worm. Can you tell I work with preschoolers with nasty little things on their bodies. Haha! Love it. At least it wasn't on your neck.

Amy Lynn said...

LOL! I hate it when that happens! I have light skin and hickeys show up SO easy on me. I'm always yellin' at the boy to be careful, but I've had to cover a few up and I hate it! I think it's so trashy lookin'!

Amber said...

Better watch out Mean Girl:)

Hillary said...

OMG, I don't even know what to say other than maybe it serves you right!! Yikes, at least you didn't have to wear a bandaide/turtle neck to cover it up!

Anonymous said...


For 3 days I had a mark on my thigh and I could not figure out where it came from until I read your previous post and then it dawned on me - so thank you!

Some days I can barely remember my name:-)

Sazzle said...

lmao!!!!! Ha-larious!!! Serves you right! Hillary is right -- at least it was easy to cover up!

Christine said...

LOL Too funny!! at least you were able to cover yours up!!

Unknown said...

love it! fortunately I haven't had a hickey since I was in college. I assume you were able to conceal this one easily?

The Undomestic Mom said...


jill said...

omg!!!!! i'm choking on my ddp. karma is a biatch, friend! would loved to have seen your face when you realized what it was. priceless!!! thanks for all the hilarity - you're freaking fabulous!!!!

Unknown said...

Hee hee hee... funny stuff, as usual!! :)

AussieMumma said...

hahah! Classic!

Taylor-Made Wife said...

busted. haha

Lee said...

I am cracking up!! I constantly tell hubby no hickies, but he gives them anyway...pisses me off. A 42 year old woman with a hicky is just sad.

Lindsey said...

Hahaha you crack me up!

The house on my blog is $99,000 which is a STEAL of a deal! It's in foreclosure and it's in Detroit.

Amy said...


That is hilarious! And at least you could cover yours up! Neck hickies are just so wrong!!!

Jenni said...

hahahahaha on my goodness that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time!!!! TOO FUNNY! Thanks for sharing! and cute cute cute blog!!!!!

Sara McCarty said...

Bwahahahahaha!! That's hilarious!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ah ha ha. Dude. That's freaking hysterical!

Jane said...

The last time that happened to me was the night before my annual exam. TOTALLY forgot about it. The next day, I had to look my OB/GYN in the face and try to explain why I had two nipples on one boob.

Heather (One Take On Life) said...

Funny stuff! I had that happen to me, no not the hickey the karma.

My sister had a mouse in her kitchen and well it ended with her calling the cops at 2am to help her move her fridge to get it.

My hubby poked fun at her in an email and guess what happened. Yes - the very next week while my dear hubby was working late, I find a mouse in the kitchen.

Needless to say Karma got him. He had to go buy mouse traps and come home and catch it. Karma its a b*tch.

Jen said...

Oh you are so bad!!! I love it!! I was seriously laughing when I read this post. You are great!

Yankee Girl said...

No one believes me when I tell them I bruise easily! Even when we are being careful I will most likely have a hickey when we are done. It sucks (literally) because I love having my neck kissed. Now the hubs knows to kiss the back of my neck that can easily be covered by my long hair.

ms. mindless said...

hilarious! i love it!

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Oh my gosh - that is too funny! At least it wasn't in a noticeable place, ha ha!

Unknown said...

He must have done it while you were asleep, right?